Just for a moment close your eyes and look inside. What are you afraid of? What is holding you back from your own success? Are the friends in your life matching the inside success or the outside success? We usually surround ourselves with people that might be mirroring us on different levels. Are they making you feel successful or unsuccessful? As you think of all your friends which one of your friends are truly living their life with excitement? Surround yourself with those people who are excited about life. It will help you to be excited with your life in return.
Is your career expressing your passions and things you believe in and love? When you get dressed, are you dressing for success? Do your clothes that you choose to wear define the true expression of who you really are? If after you have done a personal inventory do you find you might be in a rut? Remember the old saying today is the first day of the rest of your life and success is a personal definition of where you are in your life.
Kim Pagano
(805) 419-0008
What is Your Definition of Success?
“What Is Your Definition of Success?”
Are you possibly defining yourself by the kind of car you drive or the type of house you live in? That’s definitely monetary success. What about looking at how happy you are? Some of us might be living like Kings or Queens on the outside and yet living like hell on the inside. You might be very successful with your material lifestyle and yes this is success, but can that really be considered true success? Let’s look at your emotional success. Are you living the life you dreamed of? Many of us might be, at least in some areas. Are you living by the standards you or your family put on you? Some of us might be keeping ourselves from being successful, by either being too afraid to share our authentic selves with the world, because maybe we wouldn’t be accepted. Could it also be because something painful has happened to you and now you are living on guard? It is time to step into the person you are meant to be.