Can you remember when you were very young and you couldn’t wait to return to school? With the pandemic this past year, so many kids have been robbed of their first or their last school year.
Many did not have a traditional graduation. I was so impressed with the many creative ideas to celebrate the occasion virtually and in alternative ways. I think these will have a bigger impact than the traditional ways we have always done before.
As the world starts to open, everyone is excited to return to school and to life. This year like no other time that I have known, we were asked to step up as a nation in so many ways, such as practicing isolation and distance learning. Parents, grandparents and anyone in your tribe had to pivot their businesses. We all have learned one thing for sure: to be resilient!
We’ve enjoyed incredible parades for birthdays and graduations and even weddings without guests. And as sad as it was, some were forced to die alone with only their angels, nurse or doctor by their side.
What did you or your family do to think out of the box during this past year of COVID-19 throughout the pandemic that you will remember forever? I think it’s a reminder that life is very precious, and as we continue to bounce back, we know we are not alone and we will get through this together! So, as we begin to build our passages of our new life as family, friends, neighbors and work acquaintances, let’s not lose sight of the incredible force that we have grown as a nation and the valuable lessons of gratitude or blessings that we have learned, because in the big picture this is the real school—the school of life.