“Tips for Loving Yourself Healthy”
1. If It Doesn’t Grow, Don’t Eat It: Our bodies were designed to function using food and water found in nature. Clean Eating can be extremely beneficial to your health.
2. Learn to Listen to Your Body: Your body loves you and is interested in you having the best health. And when your body isn’t happy, it’s going to let you know. Learn to listen to these signals. Know that if you are listening you will know how and what you need. I always say close your eyes and look within to figure out what your body really needs.
3. Read those Labels: As more people are reading labels, food manufacturers are not being able to confuse us as much. Get to know all the names.
4. Have Fun in the Kitchen: My husband and I love to cook—if you have friends or family members who do, invite them over to cook with you. Everyone can add a different twist to a recipe and contribute ingredients, and you can make delicious food and have fun at the same time. Remember to use good ingredients!
5. Love yourself unconditionally: Always remember that there is one thing that heals every problem, and that is: to love yourself. When you start to love yourself more each day, it’s amazing how your life will get better. You’ll feel better. You’ll get the job you want. You’ll have the money you need. Your relationships will improve, and the negative relationships will fall by the wayside and new ones will begin. The biggest thing that I would like to say is that we are all ENOUGH!