Every day that we are here on this side of the Earth, we should see a light. There are people that bring their light; our children or grandkids shine their light, and even our pets shine their light.
The real gift here is the ability to shine your own light and reflect on all the beautiful things you’ve created in your lifetime and the lessons they’ve taught, good and sad and bad. Knowing that we are all going through something and that if you’re on this Earth, the journey is real.
The message here is to count your blessings wherever you are in your life. Today happens to be the windiest day and now we have no electricity and our phones are down. I could be upset or I can be grateful that I have a home to be inside and continue to count my blessings. Every day and night we can reflect on our blessings and if you’ve had a hardship—and many of us have in their lifetime—the best you can do is look at what you can take away from it.
There truly is so much to be grateful for, and there’s no such thing as a mistake. Everything happens in divine order. I’m being guided to learn and grow. When difficult situations happen in our lives, consider that they are actually revealing what needs to be healed. I’m grateful for you reading my message!