So many of us have been touched by cancer, either personally or through a loved one. If you’ve listened to my radio show, you know I focus on the brighter side of life, so let me explain the brighter side of cancer and positive thinking.
First, I’d like to recognize everyone who has fought their own battles with cancer, as well as all of the angels who have lost their fight with cancer. A supportive family member, friend, volunteer or hair donor can be the biggest gift for anyone going through cancer. There are so many different ways that you can be there to ease their pain and give people hope during their everyday struggles. Driving someone to an appointment, helping with meals, house cleaning or even just visiting and being that uplifting voice are great ways to brighten someone’s day. If you can help manage just one responsibility that the individual person or family doesn’t have to think about, it can make their lives seem so much more manageable in that moment and can even help them to maintain a somewhat normal schedule.
Over the years, I have found that it is important to be a miracle in someone’s life when they are in need of brightness. Instead of waiting to be asked by the individual or family during their time of need when dealing with cancer, go ahead and just jump in and lend a helping hand. I have found that most of these men and women who are diagnosed with cancer are what we would call Type A personalities. They seem to find it hard to ask for help in their time of need, so anything you can do to make their life easier will certainly not go unnoticed.
Another way to help those dealing with cancer is to get involved with support organizations in your community, such as Susan G. Komen, American Cancer Society, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, Relay for Life, and Rolling for Pink. My involvement in these organizations has taught me how to be more helpful during an important time of need for others. Recently, I was honored to be chosen as an honorary chair for the American Cancer Society, an accomplishment of which I am very proud.
From the American Cancer Society: “From my perspective, Kim should know that she was chosen as an honorary chair for her commitment to the community through her radio program, her commitment to looking at the positive elements of life, and her support of previous breast cancer events sponsored by the ACS.”
I am very grateful for my involvement with the American Cancer Society, and I will continue to share the brighter side of life with those in need in Ventura County and beyond.
I offer these helpful tips to love yourself healthy. May they provide hope and motivation to those struggling with the daily hardships of cancer.
1. If It Doesn’t Grow, Don’t Eat It: Our bodies were designed to consume food and water found in nature. Clean eating can be extremely beneficial to your health.
2. Listen to Your Body: Your body loves you and wants you to have the best health. When your body isn’t happy, it’s going to let you know. Learn to listen to these signals. If you are listening, you will know how and what you need. I always say close your eyes and look within to figure out what your body really needs.
3. Read Labels: As more people are reading labels, avoiding unhealthy ingredients is easier. Familiarize yourself with the ones to avoid.
4. Have Fun in the Kitchen: Invite friends or family members over to cook together. Everyone can add a different twist to a recipe and contribute ingredients, while making delicious food and having a great time. Remember to use healthy ingredients!
5. Love Yourself Unconditionally: Always remember that there is one thing that heals every problem, and that is loving yourself. When you start to love yourself more each day, it’s amazing how your life will get better. You’ll feel better. You’ll get the job you want. You’ll have the money you need. Your relationships will improve, and the negative relationships will fall by the wayside and new ones will begin.
The most important thing I would like all of us to know is that we are all ENOUGH!