Haven’t left the house lately? Living in sweats and pandemic hair? Well, life and the world around us are opening up! It’s time to thrive and not just survive. Friends, life is precious, as all of us have found out during these past few years. Go to dinner, use your silver, buy the shoes. Call family and friends that you haven’t seen for too long. Tell your kids, parents, and husbands and wives that you love them. Call the people who mean the most to you and tell them you appreciate them. Don’t wait for that rainy day—that day is today!!
If something or someone makes you mad, don’t let it affect your day or hijack your life. We’ve all heard of a bucket list—forget that and move it to your today list and start doing those things. What have you been dreaming of doing and buying? Today is the day to do it! Go and live your life to the fullest!
Most of us are living on autopilot, so if you’re back to driving to work, go a different way and leave a few minutes earlier. If you take a walk, take a different route. Talk to people on the way and make eye contact. We need connection and it is not healthy to be isolated. Be cautious but have fun and make your own adventures within your comfort zone and stretch those boundaries!
If you are not feeling well, reach out to an appropriate person so you can get the help you need and deserve to live your best life so you can thrive and not just survive.