Our lives are changing everyday and with each day we have the opportunities to have life lessons. Personally, I always want to make sure I am learning from the lessons that are presented to me from day to day. I can definitely tell that I am on my way to next chapter of my life, or what others like the call “the empty nesting stage.” So many things have drastically changed in our house; from the noise level to the amount of groceries I have to buy weekly. Having four kids, I never thought that I would have to say the words, “empty nesting.” I loved that our house was always busy with extra friends and full of life. I always knew that this time would come, but I guess I didn’t realize how fast it would creep up on me. And now that it feels like its almost here, it has really got me thinking. Now, I know many of you are probably asking yourself “well didn’t she realize that her youngest was about to graduate high school.” Yes, don’t worry; I’m not in denial. I have always had so many great things to do and going on, that I didn’t realize it was almost approaching. If I wasn’t going to work, I was dropping one of the kids off at school or picking up a friend or cooking dinner. As my days get less filled with school meetings and carpools I start to ask myself, “What are my passions?” Or “Am I moving closer to my present dreams?” So, I present you with some questions; after the kids are grown and the carpools are done, have you taken care of yourself along the way to ensure that you can continue to live a happy life? Are you inline with who you want to be? If you aren’t sure, I have always found it best to divide my life into a pie shape (yes, I know it sounds silly but trust me it works!) Examine each area of the pie and see which “item” seems to be hogging up most of your time. Can you take some of that section off your plate? Can you use your time better with some organizing or time management skills? The next part is my favorite, look at the section that gives you the most pleasure. How can you get more of that in your life? Yes, I know we all have “mountains” in our lives that we must climb, but start chipping away at your biggest mountain now! I encourage you to start moving towards your happy place, surround yourself with inspiring and supportive people who will cheer you all the way down the finish line, because you are worth it!