We all make plans, that’s why we have our calendars or date books, and don’t forget about our lists that we make. What are plans? Aren’t they just thoughts that we hope will be followed out at the end of our days, if our day ever ends up exactly as we planned? What are the chances? Lately, I am so thankful to be able to wake up, make a list of 5 things… 4 things that are my top priority, and 1 thing that I’ve been putting off. There are things that I have made plans to do that have changed because life got in the way. My newest way of thinking about plans are completely different because I have become way more flexible. Don’t get me wrong, I always plan to get my list done, or shall I say my intentions done. When something interrupts it, I just know that there is another plan in store for my day, and I go with it. My message I want to share is to take everyday and try to make it your best. Just know that the master plan that is meant for each one of us is always going to happen, so when it does happen, relax and enjoy the ride!