“Life Is Too Short to Waste It!”
Are you easily distracted? Is it hard to stay focused? Do you feel your life is organized? How much time do you spend looking for lost stuff?
If you said yes to any of these questions, it is important for you to always be kind and to not spend your time trying to make people happy that do not want to be happy.
Life is too short for you to waste your gifted day. Before you go to sleep at night, you should release every negative thing that has happened to you that day. Forgive the people that have done you wrong. The sun will go down with nothing blocking it, so don’t ruin your day by going to bed with any defeat in your mind.
This year, look at the people that bring you down. It is time to evaluate your friendships. You need people that are joined in spirit. Who do you have in your inner circle? Are they building you up, or tearing you down? Are they keeping you from your destination?
If you give them up you might be lonely, but you will always make room for new ones. Make the decision to be a purposeful person!
Kim Pagano
(805) 419-0008