Just Say Yes.
“Say yes, and you’ll figure it out afterwards.” -Tina Fey
The word YES can actually change your life.
Today is the day to say yes to everything! Every time you say yes, you open a new door in your life. You never know what opportunities will present themselves when you say yes. Saying yes, means you are saying that you believe in yourself and that you are working towards your own happiness.
By saying yes, you have become your own cheerleader! Every day we all have different opportunities that we turn down without even thinking who you might meet or what memory you could be making. So, from now on, before you say no, think about all the possibilities there are if you just say yes. Try not to talk yourself out of it thinking that this is impossible and remember that if you say yes, you are telling yourself and the world that “I’m Possible”!
Your comfort zone is your safe haven, but it could be what’s keeping you from reaching your goals in life. If you have a fear of failing or being rejected, take a moment to think about what’s the worst thing that could happen. Is your life going to be ruined if you just say yes? The answer is most likely no, so take your chances and go for it! What makes you feel alive? What is your passion? Have you reached your longterm goals? Reflect upon your happiness and start making decisions that benefit yourself, as well as your loved ones!
Promote saying YES!
Just Say Yes
Yours truly,
Kim Pagano (805) 419-0008