“Forever Is Today, Tomorrow Is Just A Gift”
My son’s girl friend’s mother lost her life to the ‘c’ word. What an ugly disease. So fast and so painful to watch. As I sit here at the wake I am watching the poor family and friends that she left a footprint on through her life. As we are sitting here we now play the songs of remembered times.This plays as such an important time that we didn’t at the time realize was so important. Life is so precious and life can be very short.What are you doing with your days? Do you measure your precious time with people that really count? How will they remember you when your gone? Are you consciously making positive footprints in your life and the life of others? Life can look like a rollercoaster, but we need to learn to be stable in our lives. We don’t have to let life take us on highs and lows like a roller coaster. Learn to be at peace no matter what is going on in your life, and always remember to have peace in the midst of the storm.A lot of us are waiting for our lives to get better, instead of having our personal place of peace. It might look like this: “I’ll wait till my kids start behaving, or my marriage gets better, or a better position at work opens up”. In the midst of your storm remember to have personal peace with yourself. In life there will always be ups and downs so let’s focus on the good and try to control our attitudes. Don’t live on the surface of your life, dig deeper to your soul. When you wake up every morning put your shoes of peace on and keep them on ever day and always believe in yourself. Have faith and know that you are personally worth your gift every given day. Keep your shoes of peace on throughout your day and don’t let anything get you down. Remember today is the first day of the rest of your life.