I really think this is a lesson in life that we’ve all had to learn or are still learning. Working as a Hair Therapist, I have the pleasure of working with some amazing people with many different looks. Have you ever thought about yourself by looking in a mirror and asking yourself these questions… are you happy with yourself? Do you love yourself unconditionally? Just the way you are? My daughter has just given birth to two amazing beautiful boys. As I was sitting there admiring them, I realized just how precious they are. That’s how we all started out in life with that innocence. We love them simply for them. We don’t know their personalities. We just love them unconditionally. This is the lesson I want to talk about. Loving yourself and the people in your life just the way they are and being loved back is such a refreshing feeling and thought. We don’t have to change a single thing if we learn to accept and just love ourselves. If we thought this way, we would always be enough. You don’t have to try so hard to fit in. For all of this week, look in the mirror and say I love you. Say it to your family and friends, or even people you are passing or working with. Notice something beautiful about them and mention it. Knowing that you have been given this amazing gift of doing and saying something nice to the people you love will be just an added bonus. You don’t have to try to change anything to keep working on you, just for you. Close your eyes and look inside and thank your higher power that you are an amazing gift to this universe. You are enough! – Kim Pagano
Host of the Kim Pagano Show
Hair Therapist
(805) 419-0008
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