I have a vision of rebuilding the world and inspiring a new way of thinking by raising more awareness toward living on the brighter side of life. This is a big dream—too big to accomplish on my own—that’s where all of you come in. On my radio show, my podcast and my women’s group I aspire to talk only about the brighter side of life.
I have the pleasure of really having a voice in this warm beautiful community. Regardless of all the political things we hear about throughout our country, there still is a closeness. Do you see it and feel it? More importantly, are you a part of it?
Some might be thinking, that’s just not me. Well, as a functioning community it truly takes a village. We all have a gifts and purposes, so please reach out—we need you and your gifts. Do you have neighbors that are elderly and to whom you can lend a hand, or maybe you know a new mom who could use a little help. Perhaps someone who hasn’t chosen to be alone would really appreciate your invitation.
Please be the sunshine in someone else’s life. Raise your hands, friends! Life is too short to sit back and not have a voice, and I’m here to let you know that your voice counts. Take a moment to think about what organization could use your skills. Maybe volunteering is your thing—we need you! I’m sure you’ve heard me say this many times before, but I truly believe it: “many hands make little work.”
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me and warm-heartedly welcoming me and my family into this community. I have so many beautiful memories and friends that enhance my life everyday. I am truly grateful for having a huge part in this community. If you see me or you’re reading this, please take the time to say hello, and reach out to your neighbors. We’re all here for only a little bit of precious borrowed time. Don’t live in a “could have, would have” life. Today is the best part of your life, don’t leave any life on the table.
When you see a chance to spread your love, do it! It can be as simple as opening a door or handing someone a plate at a restaurant or a cart at a grocery store. Also, don’t wait to call someone you have been thinking about, because our time is so precious and limited.