In relating to other people, personal communication is a key element. We hope that the people we know, especially the ones we are closest to, will understand who we are and when we speak, they will understand what we are talking about. The closer we become to others, the better they are able to know us, and then in turn relate to us. If you had an guide to let another human being into your heart your mind, your body/soul what would it
look like? The issue comes in of whether or not we know ourselves in order for others to truly know us. Communication is an inside job. Once you can figure yourself out, then other people can communicate with you in a way that is open to both of you. So begin by learning who you really are.
Close your eyes and look inside, and ask yourself these questions, are you a person that likes to be alone, are you a person that likes to be in crowds, are you creative, are you what makes your world rock. Do you motivate others or do you need motivating? Are you materialistic or does that even matter to you? Or are you a more simplistic person, getting by with what you have. These are just a few things to look at as you become clear.
If you have trouble knowing who you are, look around at the people that you resonate with and that might be a mirror of different things that you might like in yourself. Start by noticing the people in your life. Because we usually attract the things we like or need in our life, we can also use these things to identify qualities within ourselves that we would like to become. Allowing you to evolve into the person or situation or job you desire, while recognizing the things that don’t fit. Once you begin to color your world the way that you know it, then you can illustrate how you want to be treated, the instructions for your life.
Survey yourself. Once you know who you are, so will the rest of the world. Then you can put together your manual for a more fulfilled life. Don’t panic, TODAY is the first day of the rest of your life.
To get in touch with Kim Pagano, Host of the Kim Pagano Show call her at (805) 419-0008. To book an appointment with Kim, The Hair Therapist, call (818) 612-0832. Listen to her positive talk radio show Saturdays at 2PM on NEWSTALK 1520 KVTA. You can also find Kim’s show at iTunes, Facebook and on Twitter.